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Case Study - Auto Parts Factory Turnaround In China

How MTG helped an auto parts factory increase profitability and capacity by 4x

Which Factory Turnaround Strategy Did MTG Implement With This Auto Parts Factory, And How Can Your Factory Benefit From Lean Management Consulting Too?

Download your copy of this case study and discover the key aspects of MTG's lean management consulting used in this Chinese auto parts factory that could benefit your factory, including:

  • Elimination of Bottlenecks – MTG consultants identified the bottlenecks and worked on elevating the factory’s capacity through process re-engineering.
  • Production Planning — with MTG’s guidance the factory was able to switch to smaller batches, in order to reduce lead times, inventory, & transportation costs. MTG also introduced a kanban system for machining and fabrication processes.
  • Preventive Maintenance Plans — MTG showed the factory how to reduce the occurrence of machine breakdowns and the proportion of parts out of tolerance, thereby improving quality and capacity at the same time.

Lean Management Consulting Benefits

By bringing in MTG for lean management consulting, this auto parts factory gained the following results:

  • Doubled the capacity of the existing factory in only 4 months, and then went on to 4X capacity.
  • Increased the on-time shipment rate from 39% to 65%.
  • Reduced monthly costs by 850,000 RMB through less rework, less scrap, higher productivity, and less delays.
  • Inventory levels decreased by nearly 5 million RMB, which meant the factory enjoyed a much stronger cash position.

To read this in-depth factory turnaround case study and learn how MTG's consultants achieved these great results which could improve the way your factory operates, simply fill out the form and click 'Download Now.'

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